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Recommended construction of wooden houses in the Moscow region

When the decision is made to build a new country house, a legitimate question arises: from what? The market offers an immense assortment of various building materials, from which it is necessary to choose the most suitable one in terms of price, reliability, environmental friendliness, durability. The choice for the developer is not easy, especially if he poorly represents the properties of certain materials. We propose to consider the option construction of wooden houses in the suburbs as the most optimal in terms of price and practicality.

Advantage construction of wooden houses and baths

At first sight construction of wooden houses in the suburbs may seem like a dubious gamble. Wood does not look like a very reliable building material. Too light, too thin, and flammable … However, these impressions are very superficial and deceiving. In fact, it has a lot of advantages, and all its disadvantages have long been eliminated with the help of modern processing methods. Today, the construction of wooden houses and baths is one of the most suitable for arranging a country estate, because wood

construction of a wooden house
  • durable
  • environmentally friendly
  • durable
  • safe
  • economical
  • aesthetic
  • useful

For construction of wooden houses in the suburbs there is wood from the northern forests. Trees grown in harsh conditions with short summers and cold winters grow thin annual rings that are characterized by increased density and strength. The abundance of forests helps to reduce the cost of building wooden houses to an acceptable size.

Since there are no large industrial enterprises and highways in the northern latitudes, harmful elements do not accumulate in the wood fibers. It remains clean and absolutely harmless to human health. The construction of wooden houses can be called the most environmentally friendly of all practiced types of construction.

Clean wood is a flammable, fire hazardous material. Medieval history knows a lot of examples when entire cities burned down from one spark. Today, the construction of wooden houses and baths is carried out from lumber, which are impregnated with protective agents even at the stage of processing. These special solutions prevent not only the fire of wooden buildings, but also the penetration of pests and diseases into their walls. Construction of wooden houses from processed sawn timber guarantees complete fire safety, they serve their owners for a long time and effectively.

house in the suburbs

At first glance, wooden walls seem fragile and break easily. But no one is going to fire heavy artillery at your house! As for force majeure and natural disasters, the construction of wooden houses is the safest in this regard. Russian seismologists V.N. Andreev and V.N. Medvedev conducted studies that showed that due to the natural elasticity of wood, 1-2-storey buildings do not collapse even with 9-point earthquakes. Moreover, they recommend not to leave wooden houses in case of earthquakes. Rigid structures are dangerous when bricks and pieces of plaster fall off their walls.

Low the cost of building a wooden house

Construction of wooden houses in the Moscow region also represents a major economic benefit. Moreover, both during the construction of buildings and during their operation. Some expense items for construction of a wooden house and a bath is reduced by 15-50%… So the cost of building a wooden house is reduced thanks to

  • lightweight foundation
  • shortened time of foundation hardening
  • shortened terms of wall construction
  • fewer building materials
  • small area for storage of building materials
  • lower transport costs

Several items of expenses for construction of wooden houses in the suburbs initially not included in the estimate:

  • finishing materials for interior work
  • facing materials for facades
  • insulation for walls and foundations

wooden house in the suburbs

During the operation of the building, it becomes very noticeable to reduce the cost of heating and air conditioning, which reduces the total cost of building a wooden house. Wood is not a thermally conductive material. It does not absorb energy and does not transmit it outside. This means that all rooms in the house warm up very quickly, and very little energy is needed to maintain heat. The same thing happens in the summer heat, when the air conditioning equipment cools the air in the rooms to a predetermined temperature in a short time, and then consumes a minimum of electricity to maintain it.

Build wooden houses Recommended for people suffering from serious pulmonary diseases. Wood, without the help of additional climatic equipment, maintains air humidity optimal for healthy living and comfortable well-being at a level of 45-55%. What is the best excuse the cost of building a wooden house ?! Excess moisture is absorbed into the wooden walls instead of being deposited on them by cold condensation. This natural factor prevents mold and rot formation.

The construction of wooden houses and baths is very beneficial in unforeseen situations. Wooden houses are one of the rare real estate categories that can move. If you have to change your place of residence, then your house will move with you without any problems. The construction team will dismantle and then rebuild your wooden house in its original form in a new place.

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